Bespoke 1:1 Coaching

The story behind my bespoke coaching programmes and how they will HELP TO change your life.



Reflecting back on when I was in my legal career, I found myself in quite a desperate place.

On paper, I had well and truly smashed it: A psychology undergrad, turned corporate lawyer with a BA in Laws and Masters in Law & Business, working in senior positions in top tier global firms. A loving husband, planning a family. To the external world, it appeared like I really had "succeeded".

However, how I felt internally was a very different story.

I felt broken. I felt stressed. I felt anxious. I felt burnout.

I never ever felt good enough or worthy enough. Notwithstanding the fact that my career trajectory and track record would indicate otherwise. I still felt like the fraud, not worthy of my position.

I berated myself constantly and judgement myself constantly. I really did not like myself. The running narrative in my head was quite frankly damning. It felt like I was at war with myself. Everyday. 

I always felt the need to prove myself, and put up barriers to protect myself. There were no boundaries - and people pleasing was my middle name. I did it to be like. Or rather for fear of not being liked.  

I found my value through the recognition of others. Like a drug, I yearned for that hit of external validation from others to approve me. I would rise or fall by it - only ever being as good as my last piece of work. It was a very insecure place to be.

I also found myself letting the toxicity and negativity of other people trigger me. I internalised and made it about me.

It felt like I was staring into a dark void;

like I was spinning plates and life was passing me by.


I was exhausted – and depressed. I had nothing to give myself or my loved ones. But no one in my external world would have realised this. I put on the perfect front. Painted a smile on my face. Just kept on pushing. Kept on going.

And this not only led to problems with my health (shingles and hair loss) but also some pretty icky self-sabotaging behaviours. Numbing out with booze and food, picking fights with my partner, not being able to see or have gratitude for all the beauty around me and all that I in fact had achieved. It felt like I was on a hamster wheel. Simply getting through the week. Getting paid. Getting to the weekend. Numbing out. Then repeat. Comfortably uncomfortable.

And don’t even get me started on the guilt, and the shame. I was resentful.  I felt like a victim of my life and circumstances.  This was no way to live. I had lost my joy. 

I then hit my rock bottom. It dawned on me that I had decided I was trapped, until one day I decided I simply was not. This was not the legacy I wanted to create. This was not the person I wanted to be. It was all down to me to change my life. It was my responsibility.

I went on a spiritual and self-actualisation journey. I immersed myself in both the spiritual and scientific elements of personal development and transformation. I worked with the best coaches, mentors, gurus and guides that money could buy.  Learning from experts in NLP to the most awakened spiritual mentors, I wanted to learn it all.  I have invested heavily in my coaching certifications, personal development and education and I will keep going.

Why? Because, honestly, I want to create something for you that I wish I had when I needed support.  

I felt like although I had lovely friends and a caring husband, I was scared to be honest about how I was feeling for fear of judgement. They just didn’t get it, and I didn’t want to burden them.  They cared – but they tried to “fix” me.

And what I realised now, is that I was not broken. And neither are you.


I wanted something that went deep into my internal world of emotions and belief system but that was also grounded in reality. Something equally as spiritual & soulful as it is commercial and strategic, and that was bespoke for my needs. Working with someone who genuinely understands the challenges of a “patriarchal” corporate and business environment and the deep emotional wounds that can be created growing up in that world.  

This is exactly what I have created: A life, leadership, business and career coaching approach that combines aspects of positive psychology, mindset science, strategy, spirituality, and emotional energy healing in a bespoke container just for you. Because doing the deep inner work is what creates your external results. Without this, the best strategy in the world simply will not work.

read on to learn about my programmes…


My coaching programmes

promise you:


  • A bespoke experience tailored to your needs. I do not do cookie cutter.

  • A safe, judgement-free space where you will be held and supported by someone “who just gets it” so that you are free to express yourself and be fully you

  • A service with integrity, discretion and trust as its foundation. 

  • My core values are privacy, intimacy and connection. This is the reason what I only choose to work with a small number of clients each year so that I am fully available for you and your transformation.  This is an exclusive, high-end service.

  • A holistic approach looking at all the areas of your – your work life, your personal life, your parental life, your relationships, your past and your present – so that we gain clarity around the root cause keeping you stuck developing a focussed strategy to get you into empowered action achieving the results you desire

  • A reconnection back to your body & soul, your inner power, and your essential spirit. The piece of you that got lost somewhere in between adulthood, motherhood, your career or your business. You will remember who YOU are and what you are capable of.

  • An experience in which we do the deep internal emotional work and healing which then manifests in the external results in your life, career, business, relationships, health and finances. This is so much deeper than just shifting your mindset, this is about shifting your energy. This is about preserving your power, and using it to ignite YOUR life.

  • An understanding of how to work with all parts of your psyche, your underlying emotional energy and the Universal energies available to us, to experience massive personal growth and transformation.

  • A reclamation of the joy, balance, vibrancy, happiness and contentment in your life.

  • A way of living and being that genuinely hands you back your power, which makes you feel indomitable and indestructible. Because when women FEEL this way about themselves, they change their worlds and then THE world.

  • You will unapologetically own your power and step fully into that respected and authentic leader

  • You will learn to confidently lead yourself, believe in yourself, and trust yourself

  • You will find and use your voice, so that you live your truth and speak your truth.

  • You will learn to love, respect and accept yourself – and others.

  • You will discover that you are enough and worthy enough just as you are

  • You will be The Woman, The Leader, The Entrepreneur, The Mother, The Powerhouse.

  • You will create your legacy


I have had the privilege of working with many women, taking them through this approach and the transformation is remarkable.

They go from stuck, frustrated, guilty and doubting to empowered and motivated. Their lives change.

Now, as you know I have been a lawyer and pride myself on being pragmatic operating a strict no BS policy with the highest integrity.  I appreciate my programmes are a substantial investment and I can confidently say the reason they are, is because they work. I would not put my family name to it otherwise.

Now, I understand your world.

I understand the pressure you are under.

That your time is precious. And that investing in yourself and taking the time for you can feel like another thing on your to do list. But it is not. This is crucial to your well-being and in turn that of your loved ones. So,  get super honest with yourself, do you want to be in the same place you are now in a year’s time? Instead, how liberating would it be to show up fully in your power free from the shackles of fear, self-doubt, guilt and judgement? To feel lighter, vibrant, sexy, happy? How liberating would it be to finally be confidently YOU?

You only get one life. Now is your time.

Now is the time to create your legacy.


 Pick your path



6 week


Perfect for laying down the foundations for transformation, shifting your mindset and energy, and getting into action

  • Up to** 5 x 1 hour 1-1 coaching calls via Zoom plus audios

  • 1 x 1 hour Numerology Reading, Report and audio

  • Pre-coaching questionnaire to ensure you programme is tailored for your exact needs

  • All coaching workbooks and exercises

  • Bespoke recorded visualisations and meditations

  • Unlimited Voxer or email support during business hours so that you are supported outside of your scheduled coaching sessions.


pay in full


3 month


Perfect for building on the momentum and foundations of the 6 week programme, and implementing your bespoke strategy for long lasting transformation

  • Up to*** 10 x 1 hour 1-1 coaching calls via Zoom plus audios

  • 1 x 1 hour Numerology Reading, Report and audio

  • Pre-coaching questionnaire to ensure you programme is tailored for your exact needs

  • All coaching workbooks and exercises

  • Bespoke recorded visualisations and meditations

  • Unlimited Voxer or email support during business hours so that you are supported outside of your scheduled coaching sessions.


pay in full

3 month plan


12 month


Perfect for you if you are ready to change your life and create your legacy

  • Up to** 24 x 1 hour 1-1 coaching calls via Zoom plus audios (suggest coaching on a weekly basis for the first 6 weeks to build momentum then roughly bi-weekly thereafter taking into consideration holidays and breaks during which you will still be supported via email or Voxer.)

  • 1 x 1 hour Numerology Reading, Report and audio

  • Pre-coaching questionnaire to ensure you programme is tailored for your exact needs

  • All coaching workbooks and exercises

  • Bespoke recorded visualisations and meditations

  • Unlimited Voxer or email support during business hours so that you are supported outside of your scheduled coaching sessions.


pay in full

12 month plan

Credit & debit card payments accepted


**Coaching sessions to be used within the term.

**If you prefer to coach bi-weekly in the 6 week or 3 month programme then any sessions you don’t use cannot be rolled beyond the term.